F3 System in Pleasant Hills PA

Chiropractic Pleasant Hills PA F3 Body Restoration Program

The F3 Body Balance system in Pleasant Hills PA is a comprehensive approach to optimizing the human body’s performance by stabilizing it through three fundamental components: Form, Function, and Fuel. This system recognizes that the body’s ability to function optimally is dependent on maintaining proper form and function, as well as providing the body with the necessary fuel to sustain this performance.

Form refers to the body’s structural alignment and balance, which is essential for optimal performance. The F3 Body Balance system uses techniques such as chiropractic care, corrective exercises, and myofascial release to correct postural imbalances and alignment issues.

Function refers to the body’s ability to move efficiently and effectively. The F3 Body Balance system uses functional movement assessments to identify any areas of weakness or limitations in movement patterns. Corrective exercises and movement-based therapies are then used to improve these areas of dysfunction, allowing the body to move more freely and efficiently.

Fuel refers to the nutrients and energy sources that the body needs to perform optimally. The F3 Body Balance system emphasizes the importance of proper nutrition, hydration, and sleep to fuel the body and support optimal performance.

Optimizing your body's performance in Pleasant Hills PA

By stabilizing the body through these three fundamental components, the F3 Body Balance system aims to optimize the body’s performance, allowing individuals to reach their full potential in all aspects of life.


1:30pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Balanced Health Chiropractic

850 Clairton Blvd # 3200
Pleasant Hills, PA 15236

(412) 466-4930